
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The First 90 Days


7 Powerful Lessons from "The First 90 Days


 1. Prepare Before You Start: Don't wait until day one to understand your new role. Gather information, assess the landscape, and identify key stakeholders before you even step foot in the door. This proactive approach will give you a head start on building relationships and understanding expectations. 

2. Accelerate Your Learning: Recognize you won't have all the answers initially. Focus on rapidly acquiring knowledge by asking insightful questions, actively seeking feedback, and learning from others' experiences. Embrace a "beginner's mind" and be open to new perspectives. 

3. Tailor Your Approach: There's no one-size-fits-all strategy. Adapt your transition based on the specific context of your role, organization, and industry. What works for one leader in one situation may not work for you. Be flexible and adjust your tactics accordingly. 

4. Secure Early Wins: Don't wait months to make an impact. Identify small, achievable goals you can accomplish quickly to demonstrate your value and build momentum. These early wins will boost your confidence and credibility among colleagues. 

5. Manage Expectations: Be upfront and realistic about what you can achieve in the first 90 days. Discuss expectations with your manager and key stakeholders, and actively communicate your progress and challenges. This transparency builds trust and prevents misunderstandings. 

6. Build Your Network: Don't underestimate the power of relationships. Actively connect with colleagues, mentors, and sponsors who can provide guidance and support. Building a strong network will be invaluable as you navigate your new role.

7. Take Care of Yourself: Transitions are demanding, so prioritize your well-being. Get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise regularly, and manage stress effectively. A healthy and balanced you is a more effective leader.

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