
Saturday, June 1, 2024

THE FARMER'S WIFE A Short Moral Story

The following short story was discovered on a large and well-known website called Facebook. Reading it may prove beneficial in your pursuit of success.

A farmer married a beautiful, clever and understanding young woman. They loved and respected each other so much, they were inseparable. They lived in a house on a hill in the city, and they had a neighbour who was an old lady.

However, the old lady hated the farmer's wife and did not keep her feelings to herself. She always made sure to harass her verbally, all the time. She would wait for her to get home every day, and when she got home, she would come out and start hurling insults at her.

On one occasion, the old lady told her,

"What a shameless woman you are! Your father sent you abroad to study so you could become a prosperous lady and get married to a politician. But you were so dumb and ended up marrying a local farmer. Now all you do is stay at the farm for long hours, taking care of dirty and nasty cows. You're a failed woman!"

On another occasion, the old lady screamed at her,

"You may be beautiful physically, but you have a very dark and ugly soul. Your heart is filled with all the garbage in the world. You are pathetic, untalented and utterly worthless. You are good for nothing!".

The old lady kept saying a lot of hurtful things to get her frustrated, irritated and moody. However, there was something unusual about the farmer's wife; she was very calm and was never bothered by the insults. Instead of becoming visibly upset to being insulted, she would let out a small laugh instead. She was peaceful and always wore a smile on her face.

Soon, the old lady became frustrated as all her efforts to infuriate the farmer's wife had failed. She could not understand why the young woman never took her insults seriously. One day, she approached her and said,

"I have been throwing all manner of insults at you. Why is it that you never seem to be bothered by them?"

The farmer's wife uttered,

"Can I ask you a question? If you give me something and I refuse to accept it, who does it remains with?" 

The old lady responded,

"It remains with me." 

The farmer's wife smiled and said,

"Good! It means that as long as I don't accept your insults, they remain with you. So why should I be bothered about something that's not mine?"

The world has suddenly become a place where people are there only to fight and argue with each other, be judgmental, and overall negative. We cannot avoid these rude people. They are everywhere around us as a part of our society. Now or then we face them in our daily routine. But the mistake we seem to make is that we get angry and infuriated when these people insult us, make fun of us or taunt us. Anger means you are accepting that insult. Always remember that the insult belongs to them and should always remain with them. It's not your property, so when they bring it to you, do not accept it by becoming upset.

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