
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Wealth and health- A Poem

 A poem that reflects on the intertwining paths of wealth and health

In the dance of life, two partners twirl, 

Wealth and Health, a precious swirl.

One clad in gold, the other pure,

Together, they whisper a future sure.

 Wealth spins tales of empires vast,

Of golden dreams, and fortunes cast.

It speaks of comfort, ease, and more,

A bountiful harvest from life's store.

Yet, Health steps in with a gentle touch,

Reminding us that gold means not much.

Without the vigor to enjoy the feast,

The dance of life would soon have ceased.

Together they waltz, a balance sought,

For one without the other is naught.

Wealth may build a castle grand,

But Health is needed to explore the land.

So cherish both, in equal measure, 

For combined, they form life's greatest treasure.

A healthy soul in a body sound,

With wealth enough to spread around.

May your days be rich with both in hand,

A harmonious duo, forever grand.

For in the end, it's clear to see,

Wealth and Health, the keys to be free.

We hope you enjoyed the Poem as we did. You have a wonderful day always!

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