
Monday, September 30, 2024

The Art of Laziness

 Here are 7 lessons from The Art of Laziness: Overcome Procrastination & Improve Your Productivity by Library Mindset (Author)

1. The Power of Action: The book likely emphasizes the importance of taking action to achieve goals, highlighting that waiting for the "perfect moment" is not productive and that the best time to act is now.

2. Overcoming Laziness and Procrastination: It may provide practical techniques and insights for overcoming laziness and procrastination, offering a roadmap for individuals to increase productivity and achieve success.

3. Enjoying the Present: The book might encourage readers to avoid letting laziness prevent them from enjoying the present moment and making the most of their time.

4. Self-Improvement and Productivity: It could offer practical tips and tricks to overcome laziness, conquer procrastination, elevate beyond mediocrity, and enhance productivity to reach one's full potential.

5. Shifting Mindset for Success: The book may confront common misconceptions about productivity and challenge prevailing mindsets surrounding success, encouraging a shift in perspective to pave the way for increased productivity and achievement.

6. Avoiding Regrets: It might discuss the importance of learning from the past and avoiding regrets, emphasizing the value of taking action to achieve goals and prevent future regrets.

7. Motivation and Goal Achievement: The book could provide insights into how to stay motivated to work on one's dreams, offering guidance on how to stop procrastination and improve productivity.

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Side Hustle

 10 lessons from the book "Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days" by Chris Guillebeau, explained in simple and relatable terms:

1. Don't Overthink It: The goal isn't to build the next billion-dollar company, it's to get started and earn some extra income. Pick an idea you're excited about and go for it.

2. Not All Ideas Are Equal: Some ideas are more likely to succeed than others. Focus on ones that are feasible (you can actually do it), profitable (people will pay for it), and persuasive (solves a problem or makes someone's life better).

3. Brainstorming is Absolutely Important: Don't limit yourself to one idea. Generate a bunch of possibilities, even if they seem silly at first. You never know where your best idea might come from.

4. Do Your Homework: Before diving in, take a moment to research your idea. See if there's a demand for it and if anyone else is doing something similar. This can save you time and money down the road.

5. Start Small and Simple: Don't get bogged down in complicated business plans or expensive investments. Start with a simple version of your idea and see how it goes. You can always scale up later.

6. Know Your Customer: Who are you trying to sell to? What do they need and want? Understanding your ideal customer will help you tailor your offering and market it effectively.

7. Create a Compelling Offer: Clearly explain what your side hustle is and why someone would want to buy from you. Highlight the benefits and make it irresistible.

8. Price it Right: Don't undercharge or overcharge. Figure out what your customers are willing to pay and what makes sense for your business model.

9. Get the Word Out: Once you're ready, tell everyone you know about your side hustle. Use social media, email, and even good old-fashioned word of mouth to reach potential customers.

10. Learn and Adapt: Your first attempt might not be perfect, and that's okay. Gather feedback from your customers and use it to improve your product or service. Keep experimenting and evolving to find what works best.

More to read here:

Saturday, September 28, 2024

When Breath Becomes Air

 6 lessons from the book "When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi:

  1.  Life is unpredictable and full of surprises, both good and bad.  Don't be afraid to embrace the unknown and appreciate the present moment, as it's not guaranteed.
  2. Invest your time and energy in what truly matters to you. Whether it's a career, passion project, or deep connections with loved ones, these are the things that make life meaningful.
  3. Strive for excellence and achievement, but never lose sight of empathy and compassion.  Remember that behind every challenge or illness, there's a person with their own story and struggles.
  4. Our time on Earth is limited, and facing this reality can be scary.  But acknowledging our mortality can also lead to a deeper appreciation for life and a stronger sense of purpose.
  5.  Stories, both written and lived, help us make sense of the world and our place in it. They allow us to share experiences, find common ground, and learn from each other.
  6. How we live our lives and the impact we have on others can extend far beyond our own existence.  Strive to leave a positive mark on the world, whether through personal relationships, professional achievements, or creative endeavors.
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Friday, September 27, 2024

Why We Make Mistakes

 Here are 7 lessons from Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average by Joseph T. Hallinan (Author)

1. Perception Isn't Reality: We often believe we see the world as it truly is, but our perception is heavily influenced by biases, assumptions, and context. Understanding this can help us question our initial impressions and make more accurate judgments.

2. Memory Is Fallible: Our memories are far from perfect. We forget things in seconds, misremember details, and can even create false memories. Being aware of these limitations can help us take steps to improve our memory and rely on external aids when needed.

3. Attention Matters: We like to think we're paying attention to everything important, but our attention is selective and easily diverted. This can lead to mistakes and oversights, especially in situations where we're multitasking or under stress.

4. Overconfidence Is Common: Despite our fallibility, we tend to be overly confident in our abilities and judgments. This overconfidence can lead us to underestimate risks, overestimate our skills, and resist feedback that challenges our beliefs.

5. We're Influenced by Context: Our behavior is heavily influenced by the context in which we find ourselves. Small changes in environment or framing can have significant effects on our decisions and actions, often without us even realizing it.

6. We Rely on Mental Shortcuts: To cope with the complexity of the world, our brains use mental shortcuts or heuristics. While these shortcuts can be efficient, they also lead to systematic errors and biases in our thinking and decision-making.

7. Learning from Mistakes: Despite our tendency to make mistakes, we have the capacity to learn from them and improve. By reflecting on our errors, seeking feedback, and being open to change, we can become more resilient and effective in navigating the challenges of life.

These lessons highlight the importance of humility, skepticism, and self-awareness in overcoming our cognitive limitations and making better decisions.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happy Sexy Millionaire

 Here are 7 lessons from Happy Sexy Millionaire  by Steven Bartlett Author

1: True Fulfillment Goes Beyond Wealth and Fame: In "Happy Sexy Millionaire," Steven Bartlett shares his personal journey and explains why wealth and fame didn't bring him happiness. He emphasizes the importance of reevaluating priorities and seeking fulfillment beyond material success.

2: Be Authentic and True to Yourself: Bartlett encourages readers to be themselves and not chase false idols. He warns against falling into societal traps and misguided dreams, urging individuals to embrace their true selves and pursue internal goals for the sake of fulfillment and enjoyment.

3: Question Social Media Fallacies: The author highlights the negative impact of social media and its influence on our generation. Bartlett challenges the attention-seeking, pleasure-chasing, and instant-gratification culture perpetuated by social media, urging readers to question and resist these fallacies.

 4: Embrace the Power of Quitting: Bartlett challenges the notion that quitting is always a sign of weakness or failure. He argues that quitting can be a skill and a strategic decision that leads to personal growth and success. By recognizing when to let go, individuals can make room for new opportunities.

5: Pursue Genuine Ambition:The book encourages readers to redefine ambition and pursue goals that align with their true desires and values. Bartlett emphasizes that genuine ambition should be driven by internal motivations rather than external validation or societal expectations.

6: Learn from Personal Experiences and Insights: Bartlett draws from his own experiences as a young CEO and shares personal stories to provide practical insights. He offers alternative pathways to satisfaction and happiness, providing anecdotes that can help readers navigate their own journeys.

7: Recalibrate Ambition for Personal Happiness: The author offers advice on recalibrating ambition to find personal happiness. Bartlett's manual encourages readers to seek a new blueprint for success that prioritizes fulfillment, satisfaction, and personal growth over external markers of achievement.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Four Agreements

 Lessons from the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz


1. Be impeccable with your word: This agreement emphasizes the importance of using our words wisely and with integrity. We need to understand the power of words and how they can either build or destroy relationships. By always speaking the truth, being kind and not engaging in gossip, we can create a positive, trustworthy reputation for ourselves.

2. Don't take anything personally: This agreement teaches us not to internalize other people's actions, opinions, or criticisms. Everyone sees the world through their own lens, and their judgments are often reflections of their own experiences and beliefs. By not taking things personally, we can avoid unnecessary suffering and maintain emotional balance.

3. Don't make assumptions: Assumptions are often inaccurate and can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. This agreement advises us to communicate and clarify instead of assuming. Asking questions and seeking clarification can prevent unnecessary confusion and drama, leading to healthier and more transparent relationships.

4. Always do your best: This agreement emphasizes the importance of giving our best effort in every aspect of life, regardless of the circumstances. Doing our best doesn't mean pushing ourselves to the point of burnout or perfectionism. It means giving our best effort within our limits, accepting that our best may vary from day to day. By doing our best, we can avoid self-judgment and regrets, develop a sense of self-worth, and achieve personal growth.

"The Four Agreements" teaches us the importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility, and conscious communication in cultivating healthier relationships, fostering personal growth, and achieving inner peace. Following these agreements can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Greatest Salesman in the World

 Here are 5 lessons from The Greatest Salesman in the World Og Mandino (Author)

"The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino is a classic book that imparts timeless wisdom on success and personal growth through the story of a fictional character named Hafid. 

Here are five key lessons from the book:

1. Master the Ten Scrolls: The book contains ten scrolls, each focusing on a different principle for success. These scrolls cover themes such as persistence, faith, love, and the power of positive thinking. Mandino emphasizes the importance of internalizing and practicing the principles outlined in each scroll to achieve greatness in sales and in life.

2. Embrace Persistence and Determination: One of the central messages of the book is the importance of persistence and determination in achieving success. Hafid faces numerous challenges and setbacks on his journey to becoming the greatest salesman in the world, but he never gives up. Mandino teaches readers the value of perseverance and resilience in overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals.

3. Practice the Habit of Giving: The book emphasizes the importance of generosity and giving as essential components of success. Hafid learns that true success comes not from accumulating wealth for oneself, but from giving generously to others and making a positive impact on the lives of those around him. Mandino teaches readers to cultivate a spirit of generosity and service in their interactions with others.

4. Harness the Power of Positive Affirmations: Mandino introduces the concept of using positive affirmations to reprogram the subconscious mind for success. Hafid recites affirmations daily to reinforce his belief in his ability to achieve greatness. Mandino teaches readers to use affirmations to overcome self-doubt, fear, and negativity, and to cultivate a mindset of success and abundance.

5. Live with Purpose and Meaning: Ultimately, the book encourages readers to live with purpose and meaning by aligning their actions with their values and goals. Hafid discovers that true success comes from living a life of integrity, service, and contribution to others. Mandino teaches readers to identify their passions and talents and to pursue their dreams with courage and conviction.

By internalizing these lessons from "The Greatest Salesman in the World," readers can cultivate the mindset, habits, and behaviors of success and achieve greatness in sales and in life.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

The Organized Mind

 7 powerful lessons from the book "The Organized Mind"

1. Prioritize and Focus: The constant influx of information can lead to overwhelm and scattered attention. Learn to effectively prioritize tasks, filter out distractions, and focus on activities that truly matter. Develop techniques for saying "no" and protecting your time for deep work.

2. Embrace Technology, but Avoid Overreliance: Technology can be a powerful tool for organization and productivity, but excessive dependence can create new forms of distraction and mental clutter. Use technology strategically, automate tasks where possible, and set boundaries to prevent it from consuming your attention.


3. Master Your Energy: Your mental clarity fluctuates throughout the day. Learn to identify your peak productivity periods and schedule demanding tasks accordingly. Prioritize sleep, exercise, and healthy habits to optimize your energy levels and cognitive function.


4. Develop Effective Mental Models: Mental models are frameworks for understanding the world and making decisions. Develop strong mental models in areas that matter to you, such as personal finance, decision-making, or problem-solving. This will allow you to process information more efficiently and make informed choices.

5. Manage Your Internal Dialogue: Our internal monologue can be a source of negativity and distraction. Learn to challenge negative self-talk and cultivate a more positive inner dialogue. Practice mindfulness and self-compassion to quiet the mental chatter and cultivate inner peace.

6. Cultivate Curiosity and Continuous Learning: In the ever-changing world, continuous learning is key. Don't let your formal education end in your 20s. Embrace curiosity, seek out new knowledge, and challenge your assumptions. Read books, attend workshops, and engage in meaningful conversations to keep your mind sharp and adaptable.

7. Build a Strong Support Network: Social connection is crucial for mental well-being and cognitive function. Build strong relationships with supportive friends, family, and mentors who can offer encouragement, feedback, and different perspectives. A strong support network can help you weather challenges and maintain mental clarity.

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Life Is Hard

 10 practical lessons you can learn from Kieran Setiya's "Life Is Hard: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way":

    1. Focus on living well, not just happiness: Don't chase fleeting happiness as the ultimate goal. Philosophy encourages striving for a meaningful and fulfilling life, even when faced with hardship.

    2. Accept that life is difficult: Acknowledge the inevitable struggles of life. Understanding this reality can help you develop resilience and navigate challenges more effectively.

    3. Find solace in shared experiences: Philosophy connects you to the thoughts and experiences of others who have grappled with life's difficulties. This shared understanding can be comforting and offer new perspectives.

    4. Examine your assumptions: Question the way you see the world. Philosophy encourages critical thinking, which can help you identify and challenge unhelpful beliefs.

    5. Develop emotional courage: Don't shy away from difficult emotions like grief or anger. Philosophy can help you understand and process these emotions in a healthy way.

    6. Find meaning in relationships: Focus on building strong connections with others. Our relationships can be a source of strength and support during challenging times.

    7. Embrace the power of stories: Stories, both fictional and real, can offer valuable insights into the human condition. Philosophy encourages learning from these narratives.

    8. Practice gratitude: Appreciate the good things in your life, big or small. Gratitude can shift your perspective and foster a sense of well-being.

    9. Confront injustice: Don't ignore social and political problems. Philosophy encourages you to engage with the world and work towards positive change.

10. Live with purpose: Identify what matters most to you in life and strive to live in accordance with your values. This can provide direction and meaning even when faced with difficulty.

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Start Your Own Business

 Here are 5 lessons from Start Your Own Business: The Only Startup Book You'll Ever Need by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media (Author)

1. Identify a Niche and Validate Your Idea: The book emphasizes the importance of identifying a niche market and validating your business idea before launching. It encourages entrepreneurs to conduct market research, identify customer needs and pain points, and test their product or service in the marketplace to ensure there is demand.

2. Create a Solid Business Plan: "Start Your Own Business" highlights the significance of creating a well-thought-out business plan to serve as a roadmap for your venture. The book provides guidance on key components of a business plan, including market analysis, competitive analysis, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plans.

3. Build a Strong Brand and Online Presence: The book underscores the importance of building a strong brand and establishing an online presence to attract and engage customers. It offers advice on branding, logo design, website development, social media marketing, and other digital marketing strategies to help entrepreneurs stand out in the market.

4. Master the Fundamentals of Business Operations: "Start Your Own Business" covers essential aspects of business operations, including legal considerations, financial management, hiring and managing employees, and customer service. The book provides practical tips and best practices for effectively managing various aspects of business operations to ensure smooth day-to-day functioning.

5. Adapt and Innovate for Long-Term Success: The book emphasizes the importance of adaptability and innovation in the face of changing market dynamics and evolving customer preferences. It encourages entrepreneurs to stay nimble, embrace change, and continually innovate to stay ahead of the competition and drive long-term success.

By applying these lessons from "Start Your Own Business," aspiring entrepreneurs can gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to launch and grow successful ventures in today's competitive business landscape.

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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Greatest Networker in the World

 Here are 5 lessons from The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg (Author)

"The Greatest Networker in the World" by John Milton Fogg offers valuable insights into the principles of network marketing and building meaningful relationships. 

Here are five key lessons from the book:

1. Focus on Building Relationships: Fogg emphasizes the importance of building genuine, authentic relationships with others. Rather than viewing people solely as prospects or potential customers, he encourages networkers to focus on connecting with others on a personal level, building trust, and adding value to their lives.

2. Serve Others First: The book teaches that success in network marketing comes from a mindset of service and contribution. Fogg advocates for putting the needs and interests of others first, genuinely caring about their success, and offering support, guidance, and encouragement without expecting anything in return.

3. Practice Active Listening: Effective communication is key to building strong relationships. Fogg emphasizes the importance of active listening—paying attention to others, asking open-ended questions, and showing genuine interest in their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This fosters deeper connections and rapport with others.

4. Lead with Value: In network marketing, providing value to others is essential for building trust and credibility. Fogg encourages networkers to lead with value by sharing valuable insights, resources, and solutions that address the needs and challenges of their audience. This positions them as trusted advisors and strengthens their influence.

5. Consistency and Persistence: Success in network marketing requires consistency and persistence over time. Fogg stresses the importance of staying committed to your goals, taking consistent action towards building your network, and persevering in the face of rejection or setbacks. Success often comes from sustained effort and dedication.

By applying these lessons from "The Greatest Networker in the World," network marketers can develop the mindset, skills, and strategies needed to build a thriving network and achieve success in their business endeavors.

More to read: 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Stop Procrastinating

 If you're tired of being held hostage by procrastination, constantly wrestling with the eternal "I'll do it later" mentality, Nils Salzgeber's "Stop Procrastinating" is the ultimate liberation manual you've been waiting for. 

With a refreshingly practical approach, Salzgeber dismantles the psychological traps and self-sabotaging habits that breed procrastination, arming readers with potent strategies to reclaim their productivity and achieve their goals.

From the outset, Salzgeber establishes himself as an empathetic guide who intimately understands the struggle against procrastination. Drawing from personal experiences and a deep well of research, he deftly exposes the flawed thought patterns and environmental triggers that perpetuate this pervasive affliction. But rather than simply diagnosing the problem, Salzgeber provides a comprehensive arsenal of countermeasures to combat procrastination at its core.

Also read: 

 With a deft blend of cognitive-behavioral techniques, time-management hacks, and motivational insights, "Stop Procrastinating" equips readers with the tools to rewire their mindsets, optimize their environments, and cultivate the discipline required to consistently take action. Salzgeber's pragmatic advice is a breath of fresh air, cutting through the noise of vague self-help platitudes and offering tangible, actionable steps to break the cycle of procrastination once and for all.

 What truly sets this book apart is Salzgeber's ability to address the multifaceted nature of procrastination. He acknowledges that overcoming this deep-rooted habit requires a holistic approach, targeting the psychological, emotional, and behavioral aspects that fuel inaction. From fostering self-compassion and overcoming fear of failure, to harnessing the power of accountability and embracing imperfect progress, Salzgeber leaves no stone unturned in his quest to liberate readers from the shackles of procrastination.

 "Stop Procrastinating" is a masterclass in self-discipline, a rallying cry for anyone who has ever felt the weight of unfulfilled potential or the sting of missed opportunities. Salzgeber's empowering message is a reminder that procrastination is not an immutable trait, but a habit that can be unlearned and overcome through consistent effort and self-awareness. With this book as your guide, the path to a more productive, purposeful life is firmly within reach.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Eat That Frog

10 lessons from Brian Tracy's book, Eat That Frog!: 21 Great ways to stop procrastinating and  get more done in less time.

1. Eat that frog first: This means tackling your most important task first thing in the morning. It's the most important task because it's the one that will have the biggest impact on your day, week, or month.

2. Set priorities: Once you know what your most important task is, you need to set priorities for the rest of your day. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions.

3. Break down large tasks into smaller steps: Large tasks can be daunting and overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps that you can take one at a time.

4. Set deadlines for yourself: Deadlines will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination.

5. Eliminate distractions: This means turning off your phone, closing your email, and finding a quiet place to work.

6. Take action even when you don't feel like it: Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. Once you get started, you'll often find that the momentum carries you through.

7. Celebrate your successes: This will help you stay motivated and on track.

8. Don't be afraid to ask for help: If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help from a friend, family member, or professional.

9. Be patient: It takes time to develop the discipline and follow-through to achieve your goals. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

10. Don't give up: The only way to fail is to give up. If you keep trying, you will eventually succeed.

Following these lessons can help you develop the discipline and follow-through to achieve your goals. This will lead to greater success in all areas of your life.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How to Make Your Money Last

 Here are 5 lessons from How to Make Your Money Last: The Indispensable Retirement Guide by Jane Bryant Quinn (Author)

"How to Make Your Money Last: The Indispensable Retirement Guide" by Jane Bryant Quinn offers essential advice for retirees and those planning for retirement to make their savings last a lifetime. 

Here are five key lessons from the book:

1. Create a Sustainable Retirement Income Plan: Quinn emphasizes the importance of creating a comprehensive retirement income plan that covers essential expenses while ensuring longevity of savings. This involves assessing sources of retirement income such as pensions, Social Security, investments, and savings accounts, and strategizing how to withdraw funds in a sustainable manner to cover expenses throughout retirement.

2. Understand Social Security Options: The book explores various strategies for optimizing Social Security benefits to maximize income during retirement. Quinn provides guidance on when to start claiming benefits, spousal benefits, survivor benefits, and strategies for maximizing lifetime benefits based on individual circumstances.

3. Manage Retirement Investments Wisely: Quinn advises retirees to prudently manage their investment portfolios to generate income and preserve capital over the long term. This includes diversifying investments, minimizing fees, and balancing risk to align with retirement goals and time horizon.

4. Control Retirement Expenses: Controlling expenses is crucial for stretching retirement savings and making them last. Quinn offers practical tips for managing healthcare costs, housing expenses, taxes, and other discretionary spending to live within one's means and avoid outliving savings.

5. Plan for Long-Term Care Needs: Long-term care expenses can significantly impact retirement finances. Quinn discusses strategies for planning and financing long-term care needs, including purchasing long-term care insurance, creating a healthcare proxy, and exploring alternative care options such as home care or assisted living.

By applying these lessons from "How to Make Your Money Last," retirees and pre-retirees can gain valuable insights and practical strategies for managing their finances effectively, maximizing retirement income, and achieving financial security and peace of mind in their golden years.

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Macario (Spanish) de Juan Rulfo

There are times when reading something in Spanish is healthy. Why not read just for a minute "Macario". 

Macario de Juan Rulfo es un cuento corto originalmente publicado en la revista América Nº 48, junio, 1946.  Posteriormente fue publicado en el libro "El llano en llamas" en 1953.

 Estoy sentado junto a la alcantarilla aguardando a que salgan las ranas. Anoche, mientras estábamos cenando, comenzaron a armar el gran alboroto y no pararon de cantar hasta que amaneció.

 Mi madrina también dice eso: que la gritería de las ranas le espantó el sueño. Y ahora ella bien quisiera dormir. Por eso me mandó a que me sentara aquí, junto a la alcantarilla, y me pusiera con una tabla en la mano para que cuanta rana saliera a pegar de brincos afuera, la apalcuachara a tablazos… 

Las ranas son verdes de todo a todo, menos en la panza. Los sapos son negros. También los ojos de mi madrina son negros. Las ranas son buenas para hacer de comer con ellas. Los sapos no se comen; pero yo me los he comido también, aunque no se coman, y saben igual que las ranas.

Felipa es la que dice que es malo comer sapos. Felipa tiene los ojos verdes como los ojos de los gatos. Ella es la que me da de comer en la cocina cada vez que me toca comer. Ella no quiere que yo perjudique a las ranas. Pero, a todo esto, es mi madrina la que me manda a hacer las cosas… 

Yo quiero más a Felipa que a mi madrina. Pero es mi madrina la que saca el dinero de su bolsa para que Felipa compre todo lo de la comedera. Felipa sólo se está en la cocina arreglando la comida de los tres. No hace otra cosa desde que yo la conozco.

 Lo de lavar los trastes a mí me toca. Lo de acarrear leña para prender el fogón también a mí me toca. Luego es mi madrina la que nos reparte la comida. Después de comer ella, hace con sus manos dos montoncitos, uno para Felipa y otro para mí.

 Pero a veces Felipa no tiene ganas de comer y entonces son para mí los dos montoncitos. Por eso quiero yo a Felipa, porque yo siempre tengo hambre y no me lleno nunca, ni aun comiéndome la comida de ella. Aunque digan que uno se llena comiendo, yo sé bien que no me lleno por más que coma todo lo que me den. Y Felipa también sabe eso…

 Dicen en la calle que yo estoy loco porque jamás se me acaba el hambre. Mi madrina ha oído que eso dicen. Yo no lo he oído. Mi madrina no me deja salir solo a la calle. Cuando me saca a dar la vuelta es para llevarme a la iglesia a oír misa. Allí me acomoda cerquita de ella y me amarra las manos con las barbas de su rebozo. Yo no sé por qué me amarra mis manos; pero dice que porque dizque luego hago locuras. 

Un día inventaron que yo andaba ahorcando a alguien; que le apreté el pescuezo a una señora nada más por nomás. Yo no me acuerdo. Pero, a todo esto, es mi madrina la que dice lo que yo hago y ella nunca anda con mentiras. Cuando me llama a comer, es para darme mi parte de comida, y no como otra gente que me invitaba a comer con ellos y luego que me les acercaba me apedreaban hasta hacerme correr sin comida ni nada. No, mi madrina me trata bien. Por eso estoy contento en su casa. Además, aquí vive Felipa. Felipa es muy buena conmigo. Por eso la quiero…

La leche de Felipa es dulce como las flores del obelisco. Yo he bebido leche de chiva y también de puerca recién parida; pero no, no es igual de buena que la leche de Felipa…

 Ahora ya hace mucho tiempo que no me da a chupar de los bultos esos que ella tiene donde tenemos solamente las costillas, y de donde le sale, sabiendo sacarla, una leche mejor que la que nos da mi madrina en el almuerzo de los domingos… 

Felipa antes iba todas las noches al cuarto donde yo duermo, y se arrimaba conmigo, acostándose encima de mí o echándose a un ladito. Luego se las ajuareaba para que yo pudiera chupar de aquella leche dulce y caliente que se dejaba venir en chorros por la lengua…

 Muchas veces he comido flores de obelisco para entretener el hambre. Y la leche de Felipa era de ese sabor, sólo que a mí me gustaba más, porque, al mismo tiempo que me pasaba los tragos, Felipa me hacia cosquillas por todas partes. Luego sucedía que casi siempre se quedaba dormida junto a mí, hasta la madrugada. Y eso me servía de mucho; porque yo no me apuraba del frío ni de ningún miedo a condenarme en el infierno si me moría yo solo allí, en alguna noche…

 A veces no le tengo tanto miedo al infierno. Pero a veces sí. Luego me gusta darme mis buenos sustos con eso de que me voy a ir al infierno cualquier día de éstos, por tener la cabeza tan dura y por gustarme dar de cabezazos contra lo primero que encuentro. Pero viene Felipa y me espanta mis miedos. Me hace cosquillas con sus manos como ella sabe hacerlo y me ataja el miedo ese que tengo de morirme. Y por un ratito hasta se me olvida… 

Felipa dice, cuando tiene ganas de estar conmigo, que ella le cuenta al Señor todos mis pecados. Que irá al cielo muy pronto y platicará con Él pidiéndole que me perdone toda la mucha maldad que me llena el cuerpo de arriba abajo. Ella le dirá que me perdone, para que yo no me preocupe más. Por eso se confiesa todos los días. No porque ella sea mala, sino porque yo estoy repleto por dentro de demonios, y tiene que sacarme esos chamucos del cuerpo confesándose por mí. Todos los días. Todas las tardes de todos los días. Por toda la vida ella me hará ese favor. Eso dice Felipa. Por eso yo la quiero tanto… 

Sin embargo, lo de tener la cabeza así de dura es la gran cosa. Uno da de topes contra los pilares del corredor horas enteras y la cabeza no se hace nada, aguanta sin quebrarse. Y uno da de topes contra el suelo; primero despacito, después más recio y aquello suena como un tambor. Igual que el tambor que anda con la chirimía, cuando viene la chirimía a la función del Señor. Y entonces uno está en la iglesia, amarrado a la madrina, oyendo afuera el tum tum del tambor… 

Y mi madrina dice que si en mi cuarto hay chinches y cucarachas y alacranes es porque me voy a ir a arder en el infierno si sigo con mis mañas de pegarle al suelo con mi cabeza. Pero lo que yo quiero es oír el tambor. Eso es lo que ella debería saber. Oírlo, como cuando uno está en la iglesia, esperando salir pronto a la calle para ver cómo es que aquel tambor se oye de tan lejos, hasta lo hondo de la iglesia y por encima de las condenaciones del señor cura…: 

“El camino de las cosas buenas está lleno de luz. El camino de las cosas malas es oscuro.” Eso dice el señor cura… 

Yo me levanto y salgo de mi cuarto cuando todavía está a oscuras. Barro la calle y me meto otra vez en mi cuarto antes que me agarre la luz del día. En la calle suceden cosas. Sobra quién lo descalabre a pedradas apenas lo ven a uno. Llueven piedras grandes y filosas por todas partes. Y luego hay que remendar la camisa y esperar muchos días a que se remienden las rajaduras de la cara o de las rodillas. Y aguantar otra vez que le amarren a uno las manos, porque si no ellas corren a arrancar la costra del remiendo y vuelve a salir el chorro de sangre. Ora que la sangre también tiene buen sabor aunque, eso sí, no se parece al sabor de la leche de Felipa… 

Yo por eso, para que no me apedreen, me vivo siempre metido en mi casa. En seguida que me dan de comer me encierro en mi cuarto y atranco bien la puerta para que no den conmigo los pecados mirando que aquello está a oscuras. Y ni siquiera prendo el ocote para ver por dónde se me andan subiendo las cucarachas. Ahora me estoy quietecito. Me acuesto sobre mis costales, y en cuanto siento alguna cucaracha caminar con sus patas rasposas por mi pescuezo le doy un manotazo y la aplasto. Pero no prendo el ocote. No vaya a suceder que me encuentren desprevenido los pecados por andar con el ocote prendido buscando todas las cucarachas que se meten por debajo de mi cobija… 

Las cucarachas truenan como saltapericos cuando uno las destripa. Los grillos no sé si truenen. A los grillos nunca los mato. Felipa dice que los grillos hacen ruido siempre, sin pararse ni a respirar, para que no se oigan los gritos de las ánimas que están penando en el purgatorio. El día en que se acaben los grillos, el mundo se llenará de los gritos de las ánimas santas y todos echaremos a correr espantados por el susto. Además, a mí me gusta mucho estarme con la oreja parada oyendo el ruido de los grillos. En mi cuarto hay muchos. Tal vez haya más grillos que cucarachas aquí entre las arrugas de los costales donde yo me acuesto. También hay alacranes. Cada rato se dejan caer del techo y uno tiene que esperar sin resollar a que ellos hagan su recorrido por encima de uno hasta llegar al suelo. Porque si algún brazo se mueve o empiezan a temblarle a uno los huesos, se siente en seguida el ardor del piquete. Eso duele. A Felipa le picó una vez uno en una nalga. Se puso a llorar y a gritarle con gritos queditos a la Virgen Santísima para que no se le echara a perder su nalga. Yo le unté saliva. Toda la noche me la pasé untándole saliva y rezando con ella, y hubo un rato, cuando vi que no se aliviaba con mi remedio, en que yo también le ayudé a llorar con mis ojos todo lo que pude…

 De cualquier modo, yo estoy más a gusto en mi cuarto que si anduviera en la calle, llamando la atención de los amantes de aporrear gente. Aquí nadie me hace nada. Mi madrina no me regaña porque me vea comiéndome las flores de su obelisco, o sus arrayanes, o sus granadas. Ella sabe lo entrado en ganas de comer que estoy siempre. Ella sabe que no se me acaba el hambre. Que no me ajusta ninguna comida para llenar mis tripas aunque ande a cada rato pellizcando aquí y allá cosas de comer. Ella sabe que me como el garbanzo remojado que le doy a los puercos gordos y el maíz seco que le doy a los puercos flacos. Así que ella ya sabe con cuánta hambre ando desde que me amanece hasta que me anochece. Y mientras encuentre de comer aquí en esta casa, aquí me estaré. Porque yo creo que el día en que deje de comer me voy a morir, y entonces me iré con toda seguridad derechito al infierno. Y de allí ya no me sacará nadie, ni Felipa, aunque sea tan buena conmigo, ni el escapulario que me regaló mi madrina y que traigo enredado en el pescuezo…

 Ahora estoy junto a la alcantarilla esperando a que salgan las ranas. Y no ha salido ninguna en todo este rato que llevo platicando. Si tardan más en salir, puede suceder que me duerma, y luego ya no habrá modo de matarlas, y a mi madrina no le llegará por ningún lado el sueño si las oye cantar, y se llenará de coraje. Y entonces le pedirá, a alguno de toda la hilera de santos que tiene en su cuarto, que mande a los diablos por mí, para que me lleven a rastras a la condenación eterna, derechito, sin pasar ni siquiera por el purgatorio, y yo no podré ver entonces ni a mi papá ni a mi mamá que es allí donde están… Mejor seguiré platicando… De lo que más ganas tengo es de volver a probar algunos tragos de la leche de Felipa, aquella leche buena y dulce como la miel que le sale por debajo a las flores del obelisco…


The Wealth Money Can't Buy

 "The Wealth Money Can't Buy" by Robin Sharma offers profound insights into true wealth and fulfillment beyond financial success. Here are 10 insightful lessons from the book:

1. Define Your Own Definition of Wealth: True wealth is not just about financial abundance but encompasses health, relationships, personal growth, and contribution. Sharma encourages readers to define their own version of wealth and prioritize what truly matters to them.

2. Invest in Personal Growth: Personal growth is the foundation of lasting success and fulfillment. Sharma emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself through learning, self-improvement, and personal development to unlock one's full potential.

3. Practice Gratitude Daily: Gratitude is the key to abundance and happiness. Sharma teaches readers to cultivate a daily gratitude practice, focusing on the blessings and abundance in their lives, which can shift their mindset and attract more positivity.

4. Live with Purpose and Passion: Living with purpose and passion adds richness and meaning to life. Sharma encourages readers to discover their passions, pursue their dreams, and make a positive impact in the world, which can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

5. Embrace Change and Uncertainty: Change is inevitable, and uncertainty is a part of life. Sharma advises readers to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and adaptation, rather than fearing it, and to develop resilience and flexibility in navigating life's twists and turns.

6. Practice Mindfulness and Presence: Being present in the moment is essential for experiencing true wealth and fulfillment. Sharma teaches readers to practice mindfulness, grounding themselves in the present moment and finding peace and contentment amidst life's challenges.

7. Value Relationships and Connection: True wealth lies in meaningful relationships and connections with others. Sharma emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships, fostering connections, and prioritizing quality time with loved ones to experience true richness in life.

8. Live in Alignment with Your Values: Living in alignment with one's values is essential for personal integrity and fulfillment. Sharma encourages readers to identify their core values and make decisions that honor and align with them, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

9. Give Back and Contribute: Giving back and making a positive impact in the world adds meaning and fulfillment to life. Sharma advises readers to find ways to contribute to causes greater than themselves, whether through volunteering, philanthropy, or acts of kindness.

10. Celebrate Progress and Growth: Celebrating progress and growth, no matter how small, is essential for cultivating a mindset of abundance and success. Sharma encourages readers to acknowledge their achievements, learn from their mistakes, and continue striving for growth and excellence.

By incorporating these insightful lessons from "The Wealth Money Can't Buy" by Robin Sharma into their lives, readers can cultivate true wealth, abundance, and fulfillment beyond financial success.

More to read here:

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

 7 Powerful Lessons from "Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism" by Fumio Sasaki:

1. Happiness Comes from Within, Not Possessions: The book argues that the pursuit of material possessions often leads to stress, anxiety, and a sense of emptiness. True happiness comes from cultivating meaningful relationships, pursuing passions, and living in alignment with your values.

2. Decluttering is a Liberating Experience: Letting go of excess belongings can be a deeply liberating experience. It can free up your physical space, mental energy, and emotional baggage. This allows you to focus on what truly matters and live a lighter, more fulfilling life.


3. Less is More: Sasaki advocates for a minimalist approach to life, suggesting that having less paradoxically leads to more. With fewer possessions, you have more time, energy, and freedom to pursue your passions and experience life to the fullest.

4. Curate Your Space, Reflect Your Values: The book encourages you to surround yourself with only objects that bring you joy, utility, or beauty. This creates a space that reflects your values and priorities, fostering a sense of peace and well-being.

5. Gratitude for What You Have: By focusing on the things you own and appreciate, rather than what you lack, you cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment. This shift in perspective leads to a more positive and fulfilling life.

6. Quality over Quantity: The book encourages prioritizing quality over quantity when acquiring possessions. Invest in fewer, well-made items that you truly cherish and use regularly, rather than accumulating cheap, disposable goods.

7. Minimalism is a Journey, Not a Destination: Sasaki emphasizes that minimalism is not about achieving a perfect state of emptiness. It's a continuous process of decluttering, evaluating, and refining your relationship with your possessions. The goal is to live with intention and purpose, focusing on what truly matters to you.

Letting go of things can be challenging, but the rewards are significant. By embracing minimalism, you can create a life that is more intentional, fulfilling, and free from the burdens of material possessions.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain

 "Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain" by Sharon Begley explores the concept of neuroplasticity and how our brains can change through mental training.

 Here are seven lessons from the book:

1. The brain is adaptable: The book emphasizes that the brain is not a fixed organ, but rather a highly adaptable and changeable structure. It highlights the concept of neuroplasticity, which suggests that the brain can reorganize itself in response to new experiences and learning.

2. Mindfulness can reshape the brain: The book discusses how mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can lead to physical changes in the brain. It explores how regular mindfulness training can alter brain structure and function, leading to improved emotional regulation and cognitive abilities.

3. Mental training can enhance well-being: The book delves into the idea that specific mental exercises and training can lead to positive changes in the brain, ultimately enhancing overall well-being and mental health.

4. The power of focused attention: "Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain" highlights the importance of focused attention in shaping the brain. It discusses how sustained attention to specific mental tasks can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain.

5. The impact of positive thinking: The book explores the influence of positive thinking and mental habits on brain function. It discusses how cultivating positive thought patterns and attitudes can lead to lasting changes in the brain's neural pathways.

6. Overcoming limitations through mental training: The book presents evidence that mental training can help individuals overcome limitations and challenges, leading to improved cognitive abilities, emotional resilience, and overall mental flexibility.

7. The role of environment and experience: "Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain" emphasizes the significant impact of environmental factors and personal experiences on brain development and plasticity. It underscores the idea that our daily activities and mental habits can shape the structure and function of our brains.

These lessons from the book provide valuable insights into the potential for personal growth and transformation through mental training and the understanding of neuroplasticity.

More to read:

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

 "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy is a classic self-help book that explores the power of the subconscious mind and offers practical techniques for harnessing its potential to achieve success, happiness, and fulfillment. 

Here are 10 key lessons and insights from the book:

1. The Subconscious Mind is Powerful: Murphy emphasizes that the subconscious mind is a vast reservoir of creative power that influences every aspect of our lives, including our thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and experiences.

2. The Law of Belief: According to Murphy, the subconscious mind operates according to the law of belief, meaning that it accepts as true whatever thoughts and beliefs are consistently impressed upon it. By consciously choosing positive beliefs and affirmations, individuals can reprogram their subconscious mind for success and happiness.

3. The Role of Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique for communicating with the subconscious mind. Murphy explains how vividly imagining desired outcomes and experiences can activate the subconscious mind's creative power and attract corresponding opportunities and circumstances.

4. The Power of Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that affirm desired outcomes and qualities. Murphy encourages readers to use affirmations regularly to impress positive beliefs and expectations on the subconscious mind, thereby attracting success, health, wealth, and happiness.

5. Overcoming Negative Programming: Negative beliefs and conditioning can limit one's potential and create obstacles to success. Murphy provides strategies for identifying and overcoming negative programming through positive thinking, affirmations, and visualization.

6. The Importance of Faith: Faith is a crucial ingredient in harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. Murphy explains how unwavering faith in one's goals, abilities, and the creative power of the subconscious mind can overcome doubt, fear, and skepticism, leading to miraculous outcomes.

7. The Mind-Body Connection: Murphy explores the connection between the mind and body, highlighting how thoughts and beliefs can influence physical health and well-being. By cultivating positive thoughts and emotions, individuals can promote healing, vitality, and longevity.

8. Using Sleep to Program the Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is most receptive to suggestion during sleep and in the moments before drifting off to sleep. Murphy advises readers to use this time to impress positive affirmations and visualizations on the subconscious mind, leading to profound changes in consciousness and behavior.

9. The Law of Attraction: Murphy discusses the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. By aligning one's thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with desired outcomes, individuals can magnetize opportunities and experiences that match their vibrational frequency.

10. Taking Action: While the subconscious mind is a powerful ally in achieving goals, Murphy emphasizes the importance of taking inspired action to manifest desired outcomes. By combining positive thinking, visualization, and action, individuals can create extraordinary results in their lives.

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy is a timeless guide to unlocking the limitless potential of the subconscious mind. Through practical techniques, inspiring stories, and profound insights, Murphy empowers readers to reprogram their subconscious minds for success, happiness, and fulfillment.

More to read:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Joys Of Compounding

 The Joys Of Compounding: The Passionate Pursuit Of Lifelong Learning by Gautam Baid is is a treasure trove of wisdom and insights for anyone who wants to improve themselves and their lives through continuous learning and growth. 

Here are seven lessons that I found particularly valuable and inspiring:

1: The power of compounding applies not only to money, but also to knowledge, skills, habits, and relationships.

Baid shows how small, consistent, and incremental improvements in any area of life can lead to exponential results over time. He also explains how to avoid the pitfalls of negative compounding, such as procrastination, distraction, and complacency.

2: The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself. 

Baid emphasizes the importance of developing a lifelong learning mindset and cultivating a passion for curiosity and discovery. He shares his own journey of reading, learning, and applying the ideas of various mentors and role models, from Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger to Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. He also provides practical tips and resources on how to read more, learn faster, and retain better.

3: The quality of your decisions determines the quality of your life. 

Baid reveals how to improve your decision making process by using mental models, frameworks, and principles from various disciplines, such as psychology, economics, philosophy, and mathematics. He also warns against the common cognitive biases and errors that can cloud your judgment and lead to suboptimal outcomes.

4: The key to success is not intelligence, talent, or luck, but persistence, discipline, and hard work. 

Baid illustrates how to overcome the challenges and obstacles that inevitably arise in the pursuit of your goals and dreams. He advocates for adopting a growth mindset, a stoic attitude, and a resilient spirit. He also shares the habits and routines that can help you stay focused, motivated, and productive.

5: The most important asset you have is your reputation. 

Baid stresses the value of building trust, credibility, and integrity in your personal and professional relationships. He advises how to avoid the temptations of short-term gains and unethical behavior that can damage your reputation and ruin your long-term prospects. He also suggests how to handle criticism, feedback, and failure with grace and humility.

6: The greatest source of happiness is not money, fame, or power, but gratitude, generosity, and service. 

Baid explores the meaning and purpose of life and the role of happiness and fulfillment in it. He argues that the ultimate goal of life is not to accumulate wealth and possessions, but to create value and make a positive difference in the world. He also encourages how to practice gratitude, generosity, and service as a way of expressing your appreciation and giving back to society.

7: The journey is more important than the destination.

Baid reminds us that life is not a race, but a journey of exploration, experimentation, and enjoyment. He urges us to savor the present moment, appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature, and cherish the love and friendship of our family and friends. He also inspires us to pursue our passions, express our creativity, and follow our curiosity.

These are just some of the many lessons that I learned from reading The Joys Of Compounding. This book is not only a guide to value investing, but also a guide to living a rich and fulfilling life. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn from the best and become the best version of themselves. I hope you will find this book as enlightening and empowering as I did. Happy reading!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How to Lead

 10 lessons from How to Lead: Wisdom from the World's Greatest CEOs, Founders, and Game Changers by David M. Rubenstein and Simon & Schuster Audio:

  1. True leadership is about inspiring and empowering others. Great leaders don't just tell people what to do; they inspire them to be their best and give them the tools and resources they need to succeed.
  2. Effective leaders have a clear vision and can articulate it effectively. They can clearly communicate their goals and objectives to their team and stakeholders, and they can motivate others to believe in their vision.
  3. Great leaders are decisive and action-oriented. They don't overthink or procrastinate; they make decisions quickly and decisively, even when the information is incomplete.
  4. Effective leaders are empathetic and compassionate. They understand the needs and feelings of their team members, and they can create a work environment that is both supportive and challenging.
  5. Great leaders are humble and willing to admit their mistakes. They don't try to pretend to be perfect, and they are always open to learning and growing.
  6. Effective leaders are adaptable and can change course when necessary. They are not afraid to pivot when faced with new challenges or opportunities.
  7. Great leaders have a strong sense of integrity. They are honest, ethical, and always act in the best interests of their team and their organization.
  8. Effective leaders are passionate about their work. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and it inspires their team to be passionate as well.
  9. Great leaders are able to build strong relationships with others. They are good listeners, and they are able to connect with people on a personal level.
  10. Effective leaders are committed to making a positive impact on the world. They use their leadership skills to make a difference in the lives of others and to create a better world for everyone.
More to read:

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Who Moved My Cheese?

 "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson is a motivational parable that explores the concept of change and adaptation in both personal and professional life. Through a simple allegory involving mice and "little people" (representing humans), the book imparts valuable lessons about dealing with change, embracing uncertainty, and navigating transitions effectively. 

Here are some key lessons from the book

1. Change is Inevitable: The book emphasizes that change is a natural and inevitable part of life. Whether in the workplace, relationships, or other areas, change is constant, and resisting it only leads to frustration and stagnation.

2. Anticipate Change: Instead of waiting for change to happen, the book encourages proactive anticipation of change. By staying alert to shifts in the environment and being open to new possibilities, individuals can adapt more quickly and effectively when change occurs.

3. Monitor Your "Cheese": The term "cheese" in the book represents what individuals want in life, whether it's a job, relationship, or any other source of fulfillment. Regularly monitoring your "cheese" allows you to recognize when it's diminishing or changing and take appropriate action.

4. Adapt to Change: The book highlights the importance of adapting to change rather than clinging to the past. It encourages flexibility, creativity, and a willingness to try new approaches in response to changing circumstances.

5. Let Go of Fear: Fear of the unknown is a common barrier to embracing change. "Who Moved My Cheese?" encourages readers to confront their fears and view change as an opportunity for growth and learning rather than a threat.

6. Embrace Uncertainty: Uncertainty is an inherent part of change, but it can also be a source of excitement and possibility. The book suggests embracing uncertainty with a sense of curiosity and adventure, rather than viewing it as something to be feared.

7. Take Action: Instead of passively waiting for things to change, the book advocates taking proactive steps to adapt and thrive in changing environments. This may involve learning new skills, seeking out new opportunities, or making bold decisions.

8. Maintain a Positive Attitude: A positive attitude is essential for navigating change effectively. The book encourages optimism, resilience, and a belief in one's ability to overcome obstacles and succeed in the face of change.

9. Learn from Experience: The characters in the book learn valuable lessons from their experiences with change, both successful and unsuccessful. Learning from past experiences helps individuals develop resilience, adaptability, and confidence in their ability to handle future challenges.

10. Share Your Knowledge: Finally, the book underscores the importance of sharing knowledge and insights with others. By collaborating, supporting each other, and sharing strategies for coping with change, individuals can navigate transitions more successfully as a team.

"Who Moved My Cheese?" offers timeless wisdom in a simple and accessible format. Its lessons about change, adaptation, and resilience resonate across various aspects of life, making it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to thrive in an ever-changing world.

More to read:

Monday, September 9, 2024

I would, but MY DAMN MIND won't let me!

 9 Lessons from the book: I would, but MY DAMN MIND won't let me!: A Simple Guide to Help You Understand and Manage Your Complex Thoughts and Feelings (Words of Wisdom for Healing) by Jacqui Letran:

1. Stop the Overthinking Train: We all overthink sometimes. But the book teaches you to identify those moments and get off the crazy train before it takes you down a rabbit hole of worry.

2. Feelings? They're Not Your Enemy: Don't bottle up your emotions! Learn to recognize and understand your feelings (even the yucky ones) so they don't control you.

3. Chill Out, You Got This: Feeling overwhelmed? The book equips you with tools to stay calm and collected, even when your mind feels like it's about to explode.

4. Uncover Your Hidden Hurts: Past experiences can mess with your present. The book helps you identify past hurts that might be holding you back and shows you how to heal and move on.

5. Forgive and Forget (or at Least Forgive): Holding onto anger is like carrying a heavy backpack. Learn to forgive others (and maybe even yourself) to lighten your load and move forward.

6. Set Boundaries Like a Boss: Not everyone deserves your energy. The book teaches you to set healthy boundaries so you're not drained by negativity.

7. Swap Stress for Healthy Habits: Feeling stressed? Ditch the junk food and hit the gym instead! The book explores healthy habits that can boost your mood and calm your mind.

8. Faith Can Be Your Anchor (if that's your thing): For some folks, faith provides strength and guidance. The book explores the link between faith and emotional well-being, but it's totally okay if that's not your cup of tea.

9. Be an Emotional Ninja: The book helps you develop your emotional intelligence, like a superpower for understanding your own feelings and those of others.

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Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Year of Living Simply

 Here are 5 lessons from A Year of Living Simply: The joys of a life less complicated by Kate Humble (Author)

1. Embracing Minimalism: Humble emphasizes the beauty and fulfillment found in simplifying one's life. By prioritizing experiences over material possessions and reducing clutter, individuals can create space for what truly matters and find greater contentment in simplicity.

2. Connecting with Nature: Throughout the book, Humble shares the transformative power of nature and the importance of reconnecting with the natural world. Spending time outdoors, whether through gardening, hiking, or simply observing wildlife, can bring a sense of peace, wonder, and perspective to daily life.

3. Mindful Consumption: Humble encourages mindful consumption by questioning the necessity of purchases and considering their environmental impact. By making conscious choices about what we buy and consume, we can reduce waste, minimize our ecological footprint, and live more sustainably.

4. Prioritizing Well-being: Living simply involves prioritizing mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Humble explores practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and self-care as essential tools for cultivating inner peace, resilience, and balance in the face of life's challenges.

5. Finding Joy in Everyday Moments: Finally, Humble reminds readers to find joy in the ordinary moments of life. Whether it's savoring a homemade meal, enjoying a walk with loved ones, or appreciating the beauty of a sunset, embracing simplicity allows us to find happiness and fulfillment in the simple pleasures of everyday living.

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The Courage to Be Disliked

 Here are 7 lessons from The Courage to Be Disliked : The Japanese Phenomenon That Shows You How to Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happi...