
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Be Water, My Friend

 6 lessons from "Be Water, My Friend" by Shannon Lee:

1. Adaptability is Strength: Just as water effortlessly changes shape to fit any container, be open to changing your plans or ideas when needed. Flexibility helps you overcome obstacles.

2. Emptiness Creates Potential: Think of an empty cup – it's ready to be filled. In the same way, be open to new experiences and knowledge. Don't let old habits or opinions hold you back.

3. Obstacles Are Opportunities: Water doesn't stop when it hits a rock; it finds a way around. View challenges as a chance to learn and grow, not a reason to quit.

4. Flow with Life: Water moves smoothly, even when it encounters twists and turns. Go with the natural rhythm of things instead of fighting against them. Sometimes, letting go is the best way forward.

5. Strength in Softness: Water is gentle, yet it can wear down even the hardest stone over time. Be kind and patient, but persistent in your goals. Softness doesn't mean weakness.

6. Find Your Own Way: Just as every river carves a unique path, don't try to be someone you're not. Embrace your individuality and discover your own unique way of doing things.

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